Basic web development lessons that use analogies to make new concepts simple
Each tutorial includes images, diagrams and text that explain common coding challenges in a refreshing (and unusual) way
Web Development Is Hard
At CodeAnalogies, we optimize our tutorials for understanding . What makes each web development topic unique?
Most tutorials include the following steps:
- A high-level analogy to real-world concept
- Diagrams that tie the real-world to the code
- A few examples using actual code

CSS Tutorials
CSS Basics

CSS Positioning Explained by Building an Ice Cream Sundae

Box Model
The CSS Box Model Explained by Living in a Boring Suburban Neighborhood

CSS Display Explained by Packing a Suitcase

CSS Flexbox Explained by Roadtripping across the Country

CSS Floats Explained by Riding An Escalator

CSS Selectors Explained by Going Car Shopping

CSS Specificity Explained by Hopelessly Shopping for New Clothes
JavaScript Tutorials
Javascript Basics

The Very Basics
JavaScript Syntax Explained by Directing a Construction Site

JavaScript Variables Explained by Loading A Truck

JavaScript Booleans Explained By Going to Court

JavaScript Functions Explained by Making A Recipe

Arrays and Objects
JavaScript Arrays and Objects are Just Like Books and Newspapers

For Loops And More
For Loops Explained by Running a Factory

JavaScript Callbacks Explained Using Minions

MVC Frameworks
Model View Controller Explained by Ordering Drinks at the Bar
Key JavaScript Concepts

AJAX Explained By Working In A Fast Food Restaurant

JavaScript Promises Explained By Gambling At A Casino

JavaScript Closures Explained by Mailing a Package

Scoping Explained Through Multiple Levels of Government

Map() Method
Map() Method Explained by Going on A Hike

Filter() Method
Filter() Method Explained by Applying to College

Reduce() Method
Reduce Method Explained By Going On a Diet

Traversing The DOM
Traversing The DOM Is Just Like Creating Your Personal Schedule

The Concept of "This"
JavaScript's "this" Explained by Starting a High School Band

Apply, Call and Bind
Apply, Call and Bind Explained by Hosting a Cookout
Popular JavaScript Frameworks

D3.js Basics
Learn D3.js by Planting a Vegetable Garden

React Props/State
Props/State Explained Through Darth Vader’s Hunt for the Rebels

Express Basics Explained by Running a Restaurant
JavaScript Dev Tools

Basic Dev Tools (Module Bundler, Package Manager)
JS Dev Tools Explained By Cooking In a Restaurant Kitchen
How The Web Works

HTML, CSS and JavaScript
The Relationship Between HTML, CSS and JavaScript Explained by Building A City

File Directories
File Directories Explained by Getting Dressed in the Morning

Dev Tools
Browser Developer Tools Explained By Training To Become a Chef

Front End v. Back End
Front End v. Back End Explained by Starting a Microbrewery

Localhost Explained By Starting A Microbrewery

Web Servers
Web Servers Explained By Running A Microbrewery

Web Caching Explained by Buying Milk at the Supermarket

Web APIs Explained by Selling Goods From Your Farm

Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Explained by Operating a Brewery

Webhooks v. APIs Explained by Selling Seasonal Produce At Your Farm

Blockchain Explained by Trying to Pass High School Math Class

Internet Cookies Explained by Taking Your Kid to the Doctor's Office
SQL Tutorials

SQL Basics
SQL Tables Explained by Voting in the Infamous 2016 Election
Git Tutorials
Git Basics

Git Basics
The Basics of Git Explained by Designing a New Car
Hi, I'm Kevin! I taught myself web development over the last couple years on nights and weekends. It was...challenging.
There had to be a better way to teach code than endless videos, blog posts and practice problems. I started studying cognitive psychology, and I realized that analogies and imagery make complex topics much easier to understand.
I wrote the first tutorial in March 2016, "Javascript Callbacks Explained Using Minions". It did over 5000 views, and I knew I was on to something.
Since then, the tutorials have done over 400,000 views. Now, I am trying to create a new way to teach web development
Want to chat? Email me at kevin (at)